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Kampfpanzer Leopard II Track

Individual Track links for Leopard II Family.

Each set consists of 180 track links of which 170 have with standard rubber pads and 10 have grousers.

A total of 168 track links are required (84 links per track). Grousers are optional.

When track links with grousers are fitted, make sure to remove the same number of grousers stored on the outside of the vehicle.

This set will fit most of the 1/35 injection model of the Leopard II available. It will also fit resin model of Bergepanzer Bpz 3. Bffel from Elite Militarmodellbau.

Cement is not required but recommended. (Cement not included)

Credit for the production of these track-links go to 'Jim Carswell', 'Chris Aleong', 'Jan-Willem de Boer' and 'Elite Militarmodellbau' for providing 'Techincal Assistance'.



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